Acupuncture is a key component in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), originating in 100BC in China. Acupuncture’s goal and intent is to activate the natural, self-healing abilities of the body. It also has the ability to strengthen and support the body and prevent illness and invasion of pathogenic factors. Acupuncture is safe, natural and drug-free. Acupuncture uses tiny, disposable, sterile needles placed gently into specific acupuncture points. Acupuncture points are located on meridians through which Qi (chee) our vital energy flows.
How does acupuncture work? We have Qi in our body. This Qi is the electrical energy that moves the blood, pumps the heart, and allows the body to perform the millions of activities and functions it does in a day. TCM explains health is the result of a harmonious balance of complementary extremes of yin and yang and qi flow. When life throws obstacles of stress, weather or trauma at us our Qi, yin and yang energies gets disrupted, stagnant, blocked and out of balance. Illness is a consequence of an imbalance of these energies.
With acupuncture needles we are able to stimulate acupuncture points to free the flow by removing the blockages of Qi and blood, and create better circulation and balance to the internal organs to activate the bodies self healing abilities. Acupuncturists use a variety of methods to restore balance and maintain health: Acupuncture, Herbs, Moxibustion, Nutrition, Qi Gong, Electro-acupuncture, Tuina/Acupressure, Gua Sha and Acutonics.
How many treatments will I need? Each individual is different, depending on age, length of time the condition has been present, and life style factors. It is recommended to have at least 4 to 10 visits.
Acutonics is a gentle, non-invasive, deeply relaxing treatment system of vibrational sound healing rooted in Oriental Medicine. This system uses acupuncture points to stimulate qi flow with sound vibrations. The sound and vibrations used to re-harmonize and attune the human energy field to achieve optimal health. The vibrations support the body’s natural frequencies and assist the body in coming into balance. The treatment focus can be physical, emotional, and or spiritual concerns.
Kundalini Yoga is a the yoga of awareness. In Kundalini Yoga we harness the mental, physical, and nervous energies of he body. Kundalini Yoga is a technology that uses breath, mudra, eye-focus, mantra, body locks, and postures to balance the glandular system, strengthen the nervous system, expand lung capacity and purify blood. It brings balance to the body, mind and spirit. KY is a yoga fro householders, for people who have to cope with the daily challenges and stresses of holding jobs, raising families, and managing businesses. It is an amazing tool for everyone who wants the skills to cope with the challenges in today’s world.
Qi Gong is a system of meditation in motion or in stillness. It draws and circulates qi, the life force energy, into the body. During this practice love pours into the heart bringing a feeling of well-being and harmony to one’s surroundings. It creates a deep state of inner peace and a feeling of love and harmony with the universe. It opens the heart, strengthens the body and calms the mind. Benefits include inner healing, strengthening, and balancing the mind and body. It heightens instincts and allows one to experience one’s original nature, which is Love.
Energy healing promotes healing by enhancing energy flow and correcting disturbances in the “human energy field” or “aura” which permeates and surrounds the body. Improving the flow of energy in the energy field supports the self-healing capacity of the body.
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.”
Chakras are Entry Gates of the Aura. Within the physical body resides a spiritual body that contains the Chakras. The word Chakra in Sanscrit translates to wheel or disc. They are centers of activity that receives, assimilates and expresses life force energy. They are responsible for the person’s physical, mental, and spiritual functions. The Seven Main Chakras are located along the central line of the body, from the base of the spine to the top of the head. They are located in the ethereal body and they express the embodiment of spiritual energy on the physical plane. For optimal health, Chakras need to be balanced. Reiki and other energy work modalities can help balance the chakras.
Gua Sha is a healing technique used throughout Asia. “Gua” means to rub or friction, and “Sha” is the term used to describe congestion of blood at the surface of the body. When friction is applied in repeated even strokes, the sha surfaces as small red petechiae. In minutes the petechiae fade into echymotic patches. The sha disappears totally in two to four days. The color and rate of fading are both diagnostic and prognostic indicators.
The benefits of Gua Sha are numerous. It moves stuck blood, promoting normal circulation to the muscles, tissues, and organs directly beneath the surface treated. Normal metabolic processes are restored by the movement of fluids as nutrients are carried to the tissues and metabolic wastes are carried away. Because Gua Sha mimics sweating, it resolves fever.
Gua Sha cools the patient who is overheated, warms the patient who is chilled, nourishes the patient who is deficient, and clears the patient who is excess. Gua Sha is therefore considered an adaptogenic technique.
A care provider considers Gua Sha in any case of pain or discomfort, for upper respiratory or digestive problems, and for any condition where palpitation indicates there is sha.
After Gua Sha, the patient is instructed to cover the area, avoiding wind and exposure to the sun or sudden change in temperature. Stretching is recommended but not a heavy workout on the day of the treatment.
Cupping is a technique used in Chinese medicine that uses small glass cups as a suction device that is placed on the skin. To create the suction, an alcohol swab is lite with fire and placed in the bottom of the glass cup, then cup is placed on the skin. The superficial muscle layer is pulled upward into the cup. Once suction has occurred it can be left in that area or gently moved, often referred to as gliding cupping. Cupping can be relaxing and targets acupuncture points as well as painful body parts.